Sunday, July 19, 2009

Kejimkujik National park, NS

Kejimkujik National park, NS
Kejimkujik is in the center of NS and emphasizes the First Nations people of Nova Scotia, the wildlife and the woodlands (mainly birch). We stopped at the visitor center which has displays on the Indians and wildlife. Kesh wanted to know if there were bears (which there are) and we found out about the endangered turtle that lives in the park and there are only 150 in the park and 300 left total. We didn’t see any turtles, but we saw a porcupine, ground squirrels, several frogs and some beautiful dragon flies.
We did the Mercy River trail which was 7km round trip. It was through the woods and along the river for some great views with mosquitoes as well. It was totally flat, however, and went quickly.

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