Kesh did not want to leave this park and really wanted to go to the beach again, so we headed to the beach. You park near the road but then you have to hike about ½ mile down a trail to the beach (the hike down is steep so the hike up is even steeper!). The beaches here seem to be mainly rock so they are hard to walk on. This beach was no exception. We trudged through this big pile of rocks to get to the beach. The tide was going out so we were able to check out the tide pools. The water was going out so fast that the tide pools would dry up so quickly.
Kesh found one giant pool like a pond really with fish in it and he caught one of the fish and ran to where Asha and I were standing beside another pond and the fish was flopping all over his hand so we said, “throw it in the pool”, pointing at the one by us so it wouldn’t die. So Kesh threw it in but then we were like, “Oh, the poor fish he’ll be lonely.” So we ran over to the other pond and it was gone—in that short of a time this huge pool of water had disappeared but all the little fish were now flopping on the rocks. So, Asha and Rakesh did a rescue operation and picked them all up and threw them in the other pool. It looked like some of them survived. None of us could believe Asha touched the fish, but she did!
This is an amazing story. Did you get video?